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 Mission 33 - Sentinels' Honor

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Nombre de messages : 1991
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 14/01/2006

Mission 33 - Sentinels' Honor Empty
MessageSujet: Mission 33 - Sentinels' Honor   Mission 33 - Sentinels' Honor Icon_minitimeVen 21 Nov - 15:02

Npc de départ: Naja Salaheem (I-10) Aht Urhgan Whitegate

Mission order: A villain by the name of "Duzaf the Blackheart" is rumored to have made an attempt on the life of the Empress. President Naja has vowed to claim the bounty on his head in the name of Salaheem's Sentinels.

Marche à suivre:

Attendez le reset serveur (16-17h francaise celon heure d'été ou hiver), zonez et allez reparler a Naja.
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Mission 33 - Sentinels' Honor
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