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 Mission 26 - Seal of the Serpent

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Nombre de messages : 1991
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 14/01/2006

Mission 26 - Seal of the Serpent Empty
MessageSujet: Mission 26 - Seal of the Serpent   Mission 26 - Seal of the Serpent Icon_minitimeVen 9 Mar - 18:32

Npc de départ: Razfahd (L-9) Aht Urhgan Whitegate

Mission order: The Grand Vizier has summoned you to the palace.
You are required to divest yourself of all weapons before passing through the Imperial Whitegate.

Marche à suivre:

Enlevez tout vos armes et examinez la Imperial Whitegate door en (L-9)
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Mission 26 - Seal of the Serpent
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